From the EC Directive on Work-Life Balance to Real Equality. The proposal of PLENT

PLENT at Conference for equal, non-transferable and 100% paid parental leave“From the EC Directive on Work-Life Balance to Real Equality: the proposal of PLENT”

On Wednesday 29th. of November, 2017, a public talk will take place at the European Parliament in Brussels to discuss the new Directive Proposal on parental leaves (“work-life balance”) -that has been recently announced by the European Commission- and to advocate for the PLENT proposal of a unique Directive of Equal, Non Transferable and 100% Paid Parental Leave. PLENT representatives and MEPs of the different political groups at the FEMM (gender equality) and EMPL (employment) parliamentary commissions will participate to provide their insight on the subject. This meeting at the European Parliament is facilitated by the GUE/NGL Parliamentary group.

Date: 29 th November, 2017
Time: 11:00-13:00 hours
Venue: Room PHS1C51

Round table

Welcome speech – Ms. Tania GONZÁLEZ PEÑAS, (GUE/NGL-MEP)
Introduction and objectives -Ms. Tatiana Moura (PLENT, Promundo)
PLENT statement on the EC proposal for Directive on Work-Life Balance – Ms. María Pazos Morán (PLENT, PPIINA)
Examples of the situation in Europe:
Sweden – Mr. Tomas B Lindahl (PLENT, MenCare, MÅN Men for Gender Equality)
United Kingdom – Ms. Adrienne Burgess (PLENT, Fatherhood Institute)
Spain – Mr. Mariano Nieto Navarro (PLENT, PPIINA, Stopmachismo)
Italy – Mr. Andrea Santoro (PLENT, MenCare, Il Giardino dei Padri)
Poland – Ms. Marta Siciarek (PLENT, Gdansk Immigrant Support Centre)
Reaction of the different EP Groups to the PLENT statement (representatives of each EP Group)
Mr. David CASA-tbc (EPP-MEP, draftperson EMPL)
Ms. Agnieszka KOZŁOWSKA-RAJEWICZ (EPP-MEP, draftsperson FEMM)
Ms. María ARENA (S&D-MEP, shadow rapporteur EMPL)
Ms. Vilija BLINKEVICIÜTÉ (S&D-MEP, shadow rapporteur FEMM) TBC
Ms. Jana ŽITNANSKÁ (ECR-MEP, shadow rapporteur EMPL) TBC
Ms. Renate WEBER (ALDE-MEP, shadow rapporteur EMPL)
Ms. Tatjana ŽDANOKA (Greens/EFA-MEP, shadow rapporteur EMPL)
Mr. Ernest URTASUN (Greens/EFA-MEP, shadow rapporteur FEMM)
Ms. Laura AGEA (EFDD-MEP, shadow rapporteur EMPL) TBC

Open discussion

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